Saturday, June 30, 2012

This is what we need today...

Pipeline Association for Public Awareness (PAPA) is a US based non-profit organization which provides educational information concerning pipeline safety and emergency preparedness to residents, businesses in the vicinity of pipeline. Click on this link to visit their website.

Considering the fast paced development in city gas industry (in fact in the entire utility industry which dominates the underground traffic :)) having such organization in place is critical for Indian CGD. As per me, it is absolutely essential for emergency responders like Fire Brigade, utilities taking urgent repairs/leaks etc.

It is an important step in incident prevention. 

Let there be light gas!

Thursday, June 7, 2012

PNGRB vs IGL, Part-II begins...

So, couple of years back we had this question: Who is authorized to grant CGD licenses?

After receiving answer from Supreme Court on this, now we have a new question...’Who can regulate the gas tariff for CGD companies?’ :) 

Though, Delhi High Court has recently said that PNGRB did not have the authority to fix tariffs, PNGRB has decided to go to Supreme Court…(Reference: Link) and thus…(drum roll sound please) PNGRB vs IGL, Part-II begins… I appreciate IGL’s spirit in fight against PNGRB :)