Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Number of PNG consumers compared to LPG consumers

If someone asks you, ‘What is the % penetration of PNG consumers compared to LPG consumers in India?’, what would be your guess?! 5%?, 10%?, 15? or 20%?!!!...I might have guessed between 5% to 10%.

But, the reality is different. It is just 1.19% as of 24 Nov 2011. 

As per the official news release by Government of India, against a total of 1,328 Lakh LPG consumers, there are only 15.88 Lakh PNG consumers in the country. 

This is a clear indication of potential ahead for City Gas Distribution industry in India.

As I always say, Let there be Light Gas! :)

1 comment:

  1. Prakash,
    Thanks for this useful information.


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